Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Cartoon Cowboy and American Cowboy Magazine

In 1996 I picked up a copy of John Erickson's book, Ace Reid - Cowpoke and discovered the name of Jody Logsdon who owned a publication syndicate, Laid-Back West, out of the Metropolis that is Perryton, Texas.

Long story short Jody got me a deal with the editor of American Cowboy, Jesse Mullins (A heck of a good fellow) and I illustrated a number of magazines for them over the years.

This story was written by a great writer, Linda Mussehl and I was lucky enough to illustrate many more of Linda's stories.

I still run across Jody and Jesse every now and the, but not real sure what happened to Linda.

This was an illustration that I did for the April 1997 issue and was one of my favorites to do.

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